Sebastian’s First Halloween!

There are a lot of things I'm excited about in motherhood, but I didn't think celebrating baby's first halloween was going to be as exciting as it was. Growing up I never really cared for halloween. Yea, getting candy was pretty cool but my mom never let me eat any of it, so trick or treating was kind of pointless for me. I never really had any cool costumes- I was always a soccer player (using my school soccer jersey, so creative). And I think I only went to 2 halloween parties my whole life. I wanted halloween to be different for Sebastian than it was for me. I want him to grow up excited for the holiday, and have fun doing halloween activities like carving a pumpkin and decorating the ...

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30 Hours in Madrid: 30 Weeks Pregnant

“Babymoons” have recently become more and more popular. For those who don’t know what a babymoon is, it’s a vacation for mom & dad before the baby arrives, sort of like a “last hurrah” if you will. I’ll take any excuse to book a trip, so I booked a trip to Spain for 10 days this past March. We flew out of New York on a Thursday night and arrived in Madrid Friday late morning with Iberia Airlines. First off I DO NOT recommend flying with Iberia. Although our flight was super cheap ($400 round trip nonstop from NYC), the seats were extremely uncomfortable, customer service is the worst, and you have to pay for bags (which is normal now a days) but also to PICK A SEAT. Oh, and I wasn’t ...

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Fall Home Decor On A Budget

Decorating your home for each season is nice, but can add up if you don't buy fall decor on a budget. Fall is my favorite season to decorate the house for- it's preparation for the holidays, I'm more active in the fall, and it seems like all the best candle scents are out in the fall. Waking up and being productive is easier, the weather is great, fall fashion is easy and comfortable, there are so many family friendly activities to do, and of course, pumpkin EVERYTHING. I’m just overall a happier person during the fall. Although this year’s “fall” started later (it was 90 degrees end of September this year in Jersey), decorating the apartment helped kick start our season on time. I’m ...

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