10 Work From Home Habits To Help You Stay Productive

I’ve always wanted to work from home.  To be able to get out of bed, brush my teeth and head over to my desk, still in my PJs? YES PLEASE. It wasn’t until my office shut down due to the Coronavirus and made everyone work from home that I realized it’s not exactly what I’ve dreamt of.  The first week of working from home was extremely difficult for me. I found it to be harder getting up in the morning, I was less productive during the day, and after “clocking out” I didn’t want to do anything but sit on the couch and scroll through Tik Tok. After a week of struggle, I finally found a routine that helps me make the most of my day while working from home. Here are 10 ...

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Make Money Online: 10 Easy Ways

We're all looking for ways we can make money online, that's why you clicked on this post. Although I have a full time job which I am very thankful for, I'm constantly looking for ways I can make some extra money on the side while not taking away time from my 9 month old son. Whether you're trying to save for retirement, trying to pay off debt, wanting to save for a much-needed vacation, or just looking to have a little extra spending money, here are 10 easy ways you can make money online! 1. Complete Online Surveys Completing surveys is one of the easiest ways to make money online. You won’t get rich completing these surveys, but you’ll at least have extra spending ...

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Baby Must Haves for Months 3-6

Happy Thursday! I’m back with some more baby must haves! If you’re new here, I recently shared some of the things I couldn’t live without during my son’s first three months. You can find that post here. My son Sebastian is already 8 months old. Why does time go by so fast??? With this post, I’m getting straight to the point. Here are 11 must have items you need to survive months 3-6 with your baby. Sophie La Girafe Well hello teeth! Baby must have #1 is Sophie! I received Sophie as a gift and it really has helped with teething so much. Prior to using Sophie I used other teething toys like this one. There are two types of Sophies; one with handles and one ...

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8 Ways To Be More Grateful In Life

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means that I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. It’s always easier to want more than to be grateful for the things we have. “If only I had a bigger house… I wish I had a newer car…. I need the new Iphone…. “ Most of us live in a never-ending state of wanting more, thinking we need more money, more things, bigger homes. We chase these materialistic things thinking that they will bring us happiness, however, what’s proven to increase happiness is more gratitude, spending more time with loved ones, and more experiences. We’ve all heard the saying “Money can’t buy happiness” but believe the opposite. How can you ...

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Sunday Routine for a Productive Week

There’s 168 hours in a week. 168 hours in a "productive week" but 40 of those hours I was sitting at a desk, working in an office. 12 of those hours I spent on my commute to work. 49 of those hours I spent sleeping. And 26 of those hours I spent in the kitchen making dinner for my family. That left me with 41 hours. 41 hours to clean the house, do laundry, go grocery shopping, take care of my son, run errands, maintain relationships and take care of myself.  It could get overwhelming especially when all you want to do on the weekend is relax and enjoy time off work.  I used to hate Sundays because I always ended up cramming 41 hours worth of things to do in a 14 hour ...

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