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Baby Must Have Items: Months 6-9

Baby must have items for months 6 - 9.

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Hello mamas! Back with another Baby Must Haves post for those little ones ages 6 months to 9 months. If you’re new to my blog, I’ve recently shared a Baby Must Haves for the first 3 months, and for babies 3-6 months. My little guy is getting ready to enter month 10, so I’m back to share all the items I’ve used the past three months.

A High Chair

It’s not shocker that a high chair is a baby must have. Mr. Independent loves to feed himself. Previously I mentioned we used the Bumbo seat with the tray for feeding Sebastian solids. We loved it for its size and how convenient it was to use.

Now that Sebastian has learned to feed himself, he manages to make such a mess with throwing food on the floor. The size of the Bumbo tray is so small that almost all his food lands on the ground. As soon as we switched him to this high chair, the amount of food thrown on the floor has decreased dramatically because the tray is too big for little guy to reach over the edges. We also love this highchair because the straps are easily adjustable, it’s extremely easy to clean, and it folds beautifully and tucks away neatly.

Finger Snacks & Teethers

One of the best things of motherhood has to be experimenting different foods with your baby. I love watching my little guy use his thumb and pointer finger to try to pick up his food.

Just like his mom, Sebastian LOVES peanut butter. When I came across these peanut butter puffs, I knew we had to try them out. These are probably his favorite snacks right now, along with teether biscuits and these cheese curls. I always keep a little pack of these snacks in our diaper bag- great for when he decides to throw a tantrum while out of the house. Best part about these snacks is that they’re organic.

Clip On High Chair

It wasn’t until now that I realized this was the best baby shower gift I’ve ever gotten.

Now that Sebastian is starting to eat food like us, we love going out to restaurants and trying different foods together. Although you can get this seat cover (which we also got) for public high chairs or for a shopping cart, I feel so much more at ease using my own high chair. This portable high chair is amazing- its super light weight, holds up to 37 pounds, and comes with a small tote bag making it easy to travel with. We keep this in the car for when we’re out and decide to eat out last minute, we use it whenever we are traveling and we take it to visit relatives at their homes. This high chair is definitely a baby must have item.

Playpen Gate

I went over to a friends house recently and that’s where I saw this play pen gate for the first time. Immediately I went on my Amazon app and purchased it.

I’ve been struggling to win back my living room for the past few months- Sebastian has his toys everywhere. As soon as we put up this playpen gate, our living room has looked so much cleaner and Sebastian still has his designated area for all his toys. It’s a win win!

What I love most about this playpen gate is that you can expand it to any size you would like, and its foldable, allowing you to make it into any shape you’d like. This is great if your baby’s designated play area is an awkward shaped area. When Sebastian is in his play pen, he’s so content because he doesn’t feel like he’s locked up and limited. The height of the gate is perfect for him to stand up and hold onto and look over to see what mom and dad are up to. He actually learned how to pull himself up and walk back and forth by himself along the gate- so this is something I tell my friends they must have for their baby..

Play Mat

Along with the play area gate we got these foam mats for Sebastian to play on. There are hundreds of different colors and sizes but we just picked these because they came in a small pack (this was before we realized we needed more- we ended up purchasing another pack). We have tile floors so these were a must have so baby doesn’t hurt himself. But even if you have carpeting these are still necessary because it makes cleaning so much easier.

Activity Table

We actually started using this activity table at 4 months, just without the legs. Once we saw that Sebastian was able to life himself up, we slapped on the legs to his activity table. This helped him learn to keep his balance while standing because he needed to continue to stand in order to play with the table. Along with helping him with his balance and learning to stand confidently, this table keeps them busy. It has over 70 songs and tunes, plays classic songs like “Old MacDonald” and “Itsy Bitsy Spider”, and has the option to say everything in English or in Spanish. I always give this item as a gift.

Sit & Stand Walker

Another baby must have toy is this sit to stand walker. With Sebastian learning how to stand on his own, I believe this will teach him how to take his first steps. As of now he uses it sitting down or just to stand, but we’re trying to encourage him to push it forward to get him to walk. This toy also has a bunch of songs and tunes and the best feature is that you can lock the wheels so your little one won’t lose their balance and fall over. Another Vtech toy that keeps him busy and teaches him- cant say no to that.

Indestructible Books

Reading is great for babies- I try to read to Sebastian at least a book a day and encourage him to flip through a book on his own. Only problem is that he rather taste the book than look at the pictures.

I came across this book on Tik Tok and thought this was genius. A completely indestructible book. No mater how much you tug on it, wet it, bite it, or try to rip it- it won’t get destroyed. This is perfect for when your baby is at the stage where everything goes into the mouth but you want them to get familiar with books more. I wont replace all his regular books for these, but I will get a few of these for him to play with on his own. You can find so many indestructible books on Amazon, our favorite is this one.

Munchkin Miracle 360

This baby must have item has to be my favorite. During a recent doctor visit, our pediatrician asked if Sebastian has tried drinking from anything besides a bottle yet. When I told her we were using these sippy cups, she told us we were better off just giving him a bottle because there isn’t much of a difference between them. I was in shock because I’ve always thought these sippy cups were the next “level up” from a bottle.

My doctor recommended the Munchkin Miracle 360 cups because it’s the cup that will prepare him the most for using a regular cup. You can purchase this cup with or without handles, and in different colors. The Munchkin 360 cups wont spill, allows children to drink from anywhere around the rim, and it helps support normal muscle development in a child’s mouth. At first I was worried if Sebastian was going to be able to drink from it, but it’s super easy- all you need to do is suck out the drink from any part of the rim. Sebastian picked up on this so quick that he now can comfortably drink from this cup and can even drink from a normal cup with our help. This cup is seriously a must have!

Non-Slip Plates

As I mentioned earlier, Sebastian loves being independent when eating but loves to watch things fall to the ground. At first I would just put his whole meal on his try and let him eat it himself. Having so much food on his try got him too excited, causing him to want to throw everything. Then I started to put less on his tray and although it kept him from throwing majority of the items on the ground, he was still throwing some of it.

I recently picked one of these silicone plates to try and it actually kept him from throwing food over. Sure, he still throws a few bites over, but its nothing compared to before. Sebastian also was able to get a good grip of his food with the help of the sides of this plate. I’m sure this plate will come in handy when he’s a toddler, but I think it’s a great baby must have for when hes around 8 months and eating bite sizes of food. And the best part of this plate? It’s so easy to clean! Mama loves anything that saves her cleaning time.

Other than these items, we still use some of the items from my last baby must haves post. You can check it out here. Hope this gives you mamas an idea of the things you can use for months 6-9!

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